3 Reasons Why Homework is Necessary

Creating the Modern 21st Century School, One Brick at a Time

Professor Schwartz
5 min readNov 15, 2022

Should students get assigned homework every single night?

That’s the question.

If you want to know the real answer, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the arguments for, the arguments against and also recommend some books you should read.

By the end of this article, you will know whether or not you should be assigning homework or not.

What is the Purpose of Homework?

For many decades teachers have thought the purpose of homework was to practice the skills students learned in class, but at home. Think of it as “extra” reinforcement for students.

The problem is that’s not how students perceive homework.

And perception is reality.

What ends up happening then is students get home from school and the last thing they want to do is their homework. Can you guess what happens next?

If you guessed this sets up a power struggle between parent and child — you guessed correctly.

And this power struggle is also not the purpose of homework.



Professor Schwartz

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