AI Bots are Killing the Teaching Profession — So What Will Replace It?

You Won’t Believe What’s Coming Next

Professor Schwartz
8 min readNov 29, 2023

Imagine a world in which there are no more teachers. I know, what?

What will students do? How will they learn?

If you really want to understand what is happening to schools, teachers and students — then pay close attention to this article. And if you read to the very end — I will show you one last ditch attempt at reversing this trend.

Yes, I will show you how to fix the K12 system and also prevent AI Bots from replacing teachers — but if you don’t follow my advice, the future will become teacher-less.

Why Do We Need Teachers?

There are several ways to read this sub-heading. For example, if you put emphasis on the word “need” then the question we’re asking is why teachers are important.

But what if you place the emphasis on the word “why”, then what we’re really asking is why do teachers exist in the first place?

There are approximately 4 million teachers in the United States and every single one should be concerned that teaching, as a profession, might seriously become obsolete in the next decade.



Professor Schwartz

Helping people overcome obstacles in life, so they can build their wealth and empire | Performance Coach | Author | Speaker