Why Are Algebra Teachers Out to Get Students?

The Truth About Math in School

Professor Schwartz
6 min readFeb 22, 2024
Do you need Algebra or not? (photo created with canva.com)

“You need Algebra,” every Math teacher says so.

But are they right?

Is Algebra learning a key to your long term success or just another lie the K12 system told you?

If you want to know the answer to that question — then keep reading this story.

The Algebra Fallacy

Before we get into the story, I want you to know that I started my social media channels in 2020. That’s an important tid-bit because since joining social media I have been exposed to some of the urban myths and legends being spread on social media platforms.

And one of those myths is how important Algebra is in your life.

So let’s get started.

What is Algebra?

x + 3 = 6

Even if you can’t solve for x, you probably remember this equation.

Or maybe you don’t remember this equation?

And this is where the Algebra fallacy starts to fall apart. If Algebra was a required high school course — wouldn’t that mean you “need” Algebra in your daily life?



Professor Schwartz

Education Thought Leader and Author of "Disrupting Education," the blueprint for building 21st century schools of the future.