Is AOC About to Lose All Her Power?

The Debate Happening in the Bronx Can Change Herstory

Professor Schwartz
12 min readMay 20, 2024
Do You Know What You Believe? (image created with

Before 2018, no one had ever heard of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez before, and why would they? She was an ordinary hispanic woman from the Bronx, who worked as a waitress and was in massive debt like millions of Americans.

By all accounts, AOC was average.

But in 2017, she decided that she was going to take on the establishment and run for Congress against an incumbent, who had been in Washington so long — that he essentially became a pet rock for Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi.

And to everyone’s surprise — especially Nancy Pelosi, AOC won the election.

Is AOC a White Supremacist in Disguise?

What most people know about AOC is that she is a loud, brash and no-nonsense politician. She has used her “fiery” Bronx attitude to shake up Washington — and get people’s attention.

But what most people don’t know is that AOC’s mindset and philosophy is against inclusion and democracy.

When I reveal these truths — it usually comes as a complete shock to people.

“How can the Latinx person be a white supremacist?” my audience exclaims.



Professor Schwartz

Helping people overcome obstacles in life, so they can build their wealth and empire | Performance Coach | Author | Speaker