What is the“P” Word and Should It Be Illegal?
The Dilemma of Freedom of Speech
Would you ever say the “N” word?
Most of you probably would say no, except that there’s a small minority of people in the Black community that love saying the “N” word. Those people have one thing in common with the KKK, the Nazi Party and racists. They all believe in the freedom of speech.
Because if the “N” word became illegal — well what would they do?
What about the “P” word?
Oh, did you not know there was a “P” word?
Oops, I guess I have to do a history lesson here.
After the Romans conquered the Kingdom of Israel, after the birth of Christ, they started to call Israel — Palestine.
Do you know why they did that?
The answer is because “Palestine” is the “P” word.
Centuries before the Roman Empire laid waste to everything in their path — there was a small city-state on the outskirts of Israel called Philistia. I’ve written a number of articles explaining this small city-state and it’s insignificance in history.
And if you read the Torah, the Bible or the Koran — you are very familiar with Philistia, the home of the Philistines who “hated” the children of Israel and wanted nothing more than to murder them all. But g-d protected the children of Israel and not only did the Philistines die — but their entire culture became extinct.
Yes, completely and 100% destroyed and erased from history.
So Why Do People in 2023 Say Palestine and Not Israel?
I don’t think it’s hard to understand why people would purposefully call Israel — Palestine, even though they know that Palestine never existed in any historical context.
After all, why do people still use the “N” word?
The truth is when you’re a bigot and a racist — nothing gives you more pleasure than putting other people down. And when you’re a bigot and a racist, the most amount of pleasure you can receive is when putting someone else down pisses them off.
Unfortunately, this is where the Black Experience differs from the Jewish experience.
The only similarity between the Black Experience and the Jewish Experience is that blacks and Jews were both slaves. But that’s where the similarities end.
Jews have been persecuted, enslaved, raped and murdered for over 5700 years. Jews come in all colors, light skin, dark skin, olive skin, brown skin, and even “white” skin.
Despite millenniums of Jewish suffering— Jewish people not only survived, but thrived no matter what country they were exiled into.
For example, if you read the Bible, you learn the story of Joseph.
Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers. That’s in the bible. And despite being sold into slavery, Joseph eventually became the most powerful man in all of Egypt. Joseph was Jewish, not Egyptian.
The only example of that happening in America is President Barack Obama. And that only happened in 2008. So it’s not surprising that many African-Americans would be jealous of how well Jews deal with “oppression” and persecution.
I guess we have more practice than black people do.
But what is surprising is how little compassion and consideration African-Americans give to Jewish people when using the “P” word. And maybe it’s just willful ignorance to not know the historical facts. Maybe it’s just a sense of “entitlement” that only Black people were slaves and deal with “oppression.”
Why Do Muslims Call Themselves a Greco-Roman Anti-Semitic Slur?
Do I even need to answer this question?
Think about it for a minute. Why would a devout Muslim throw off their traditional Muslim name and tradition and start calling themselves a Greco-Roman anti-semitic slur?
Palestine is not a Persian word. Palestine isn’t even a Turkish word, referring to the Ottoman Empire that slaughtered the Romans.
The Ottoman Empire had no love for the Romans — why would they want to use a Greco-Roman antisemitic slur??
The answer is — they didn’t.
The Ottomans did not call the land Palestine. They knew it was the land of Israel. Everyone knew it. It’s in the Koran. It doesn’t say in the Koran, the land of Palestine, it’s says the land of Israel.
The people in the Torah, the Bible and the Koran are not called the children of Palestine — they are called the children of Israel.
It’s kind of hard to debate the scriptures.
And yet, that’s what people in Gaza want you to do. They want you to burn the bible and forget about Israel. But you can’t forget about Israel. And that’s the problem — it’s impossible to forget about Israel.
So here’s my final question: