The Democrats Should Replace Biden with This Guy

And Here’s Why

Professor Schwartz
6 min read2 days ago
Should the DNC replace Joe Biden? (Image created with

After last week’s presidential debacle debate, most Democratic supporters know that Joe Biden is probably going to lose the general election in November.

So what can they do?

The good news is that the DNC convention isn’t until August.

That means, Joe Biden isn’t the official nominee for the Party — yet!

But if the DNC decides to change out Joe Biden, who should they nominate instead?

And my suggestion is this guy.

Screenshot taken from a Young Turks Video featuring Cenk Ugyur (photo credit The Young Turks)

Now I know what you’re thinking.

Who is that guy?

And the answer is Cenk Ugyur.

That didn’t help?

He’s on YouTube, he’s been screaming about Jews for the last 9 months, and he is already running for President.

Oh, you didn’t know that?

Don’t worry — no one did.

So you might be wondering why should the DNC swap out the most well-known candidate for a virtually unknown candidate?



Professor Schwartz

Helping people overcome obstacles in life, so they can build their wealth and empire | Performance Coach | Author | Speaker