What are the Top 3 Trending Topics on Medium Right Now?

April 2024 Update

Professor Schwartz
3 min readApr 10, 2024
Having Trouble Finding Topics to Write About? (Created with canva.com)

You are staring at a blank screen with the cursor blinking and flashing at you, taunting you to type your first word.

But you’re stuck.

You have writer’s block.

So, what can you do?

Well, here’s a suggestion.

If you’re struggling to find a topic to write about on Medium — here are three topics that are trending right now.

Topic 1


If you don’t know what to write about — you might consider writing about racism. This topic happens to be trending on Medium right now.

And if you’ve never written about racism before, it’s a really good topic to explore. And that’s because its a complex and diverse topic. And there are a million directions to go in.

You could talk about “systemic racism”, but you could also talk about reverse racism or whether or not Black and Brown people can be racist. You could dive into the racism against Muslims and Asians or even Racism against Jews and other religions.

There are no shortages of angles to discuss when talking about racism.

Topic 2



Professor Schwartz

Helping people overcome obstacles in life, so they can build their wealth and empire | Performance Coach | Author | Speaker