Should You Get My Emails?

The Reasons to Hit the Subscribe Notification Button

Professor Schwartz
4 min readSep 10, 2023
Clicking on the Email Notification Button (created with

I hate email.

There I said it.

Having to check my inbox everyday — is a real pain in my neck. I know its super convenient, but sometimes I wish I lived in the 1950s where a secretary handed me all my messages.

And the reason why is because — I like to know what to expect.

I haven’t seen any specific data on this, but from my independent research — it looks like 5–10% of your total followers will also click the email notification button.

That means, if you have 100 followers — you should have around 5 people who signed up to receive emails as well.

As you can see from the main photo — I have 358 followers, which means I should have between 15–30 email subscribers. And I have 16 right now.

Hitting the Email Button

There really is no real benefit to hitting the email notification button on Medium. It kind of feels like they had a purpose to it at one point, but since the platform has changed so much in the last 18 months — the Execs forgot about the button?

Well except for this one benefit.

Digital Chaos



Professor Schwartz

Helping people overcome obstacles in life, so they can build their wealth and empire | Performance Coach | Author | Speaker