What Do Standardized Test Scores Actually Tell Us?

And Why You Should Care

Professor Schwartz
6 min readSep 8, 2023

There is no other topic in education that causes more controversy than student test scores. Some people hate them and call them racist and others think test scores is the best way to tell if students are learning or not.

But if you want to know the truth about student test scores, keep reading this article.

Is Standardized Testing Necessary?

We cannot get to the bottom of the controversy until we answer this question: “is testing necessary in the first place?”

And the answer is YES.

Schools need standardized testing. And the reason we need standardized test scores is because it provides educators and school districts with a benchmark for student knowledge.

Therefore if the answer is YES, we need testing, then what’s the big deal about student test scores? Is there an underlying problem that we are ignoring?

And that’s what this article is going to explore more in-depth.

What Do the Student Test Scores Tell Us?



Professor Schwartz

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