What Happened in the South Bronx?

The End of a Political Era

Professor Schwartz
9 min read4 days ago
Photo Credit: https://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/us-representative-jamaal-bowman-democrat-84284183.jpg

When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez first burst onto the political scene, no one could have predicted how far her rising star would fall. But her story of blind ambition is a cautionary tale for anyone looking to get into politics and change the world.

So what happened to AOC?

In order to fully explain why AOC’s rising star has fallen so far, we first need to go back to the beginning of her story.

Where did AOC come from?

The short version is that Ms. Cortez was a waitress and bartender in the Bronx. She was earning around $20 an hour and she barely had enough money to pay for food, let alone sky-high rents in New York City.

By all measuring standards, AOC was average.

And then she came up with the brilliant idea to run for Congress.

This was not only a crazy idea, but the truth is no one supported her. And because of that lack of support, no one gave her a chance.

What AOC was up against is the same exact thing ordinary Americans are facing in 2024. The issue is that the elite class, the political class and the ruling class hated AOC.



Professor Schwartz

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