What’s the Most Common Trigger for Teachers?

Watch this Video to Find Out

Professor Schwartz
2 min readSep 8, 2023

I’ve been running workshops and certified PD sessions for over a decade and the number one common trigger for teachers is the topic of this article and video.

I love when you can integrate your social media accounts together, so rather than you read what this trigger is, how bout you listen to what I have to say in this video. After the video, I have more to share.

Thank You For Watching

I don’t like to see teachers get bent out of shape. In fact, it frustrates me when teachers dig in their heels and act stubborn for one reason — they don’t know what else to do.

That’s one of the reasons why I developed the Teacher Development Program. This program helps teachers beat teacher isolation, burnout and also lack of support inside the classroom.

What you don’t know is that this program has been around since 2009 and you also might not know that nearly 5,000 educators have already joined and benefitted from this groundbreaking teacher support.

But here’s something else you should know. The K12 system knows this program exists and they choose not to promote it to teachers. That’s…



Professor Schwartz

Education Thought Leader and Author of "Disrupting Education," the blueprint for building 21st century schools of the future.