Why Democrats and Republicans Both Hate the Public School System — And How This is a Golden Opportunity for You!

The Future of Education

Professor Schwartz
14 min read3 days ago
Image created by author (canva.com)

Our nation is divided on every single issue.

For example, the Democrats hate the public school system because it refuses to acknowledge its unconscious bias and that it treats kids from different backgrounds differently.

On the other hand, Republicans hate the public school system because schools right now are teaching young kids about sex and how to cut off their genitals.

For the record, I oppose both issues. I think not being aware of your unconscious bias is very harmful to students, but I also don’t agree that young kids should be subjected to sex talk or we should be promoting the mutilation of our bodies.

But without realizing it, something strange just happened.

Yes, despite our country being so divided on every issue —Democrats and Republicans can agree on one thing:

We Need to Fix Our School System

What’s the Problem?

You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that something is wrong with our school system. Unfortunately, that’s where the understanding ends and the…



Professor Schwartz

Education Thought Leader and Author of "Disrupting Education," the blueprint for building 21st century schools of the future.