Why I Love Hamas and So Should You!

The Power of Purpose

Professor Schwartz
14 min readMay 14, 2024
Will There Ever Be Peace in Israel? (image created with ideogram.ai)

I am Jewish, which the enemy is going to try and use against me, but I thought it was important to write this story so that other people Jews and non-Jews can understand reality a little better.

The title of this story is “Why I love Hamas.”

And if you take a literal approach to the world — then you’re going to miss the nuances of life.

Modern day college students are extremely literal.

And if you don’t know exactly what I mean — here’s an example.

If you hand a college student a perfectly manicured printed pamphlet and tell them to read it — “they will.”

And not only will they read it — but they will memorize everything in the pamphlet.

Why would they do that?

This is the existential question of our time.

Why are college students so gullible?

The title of this article is “Why I Love Hamas” but are you starting to see that I don’t mean it literally?

If you can see that I don’t mean it literally —then I hate to break the news to you, but you are in the minority here.

Yes, that’s right — you have the ability to think critically.



Professor Schwartz

Helping people overcome obstacles in life, so they can build their wealth and empire | Performance Coach | Author | Speaker