Zero Rhyme or Reason to Medium

Do Your Stats Tell a Story?

Professor Schwartz
2 min readDec 6, 2023

In the month of November 2023, I stopped making cents on Medium and started making dollars. Hooray, right?

Not so fast!!

My goal is to earn $20 this month, but when I go to look at the stats page on Medium — I have no idea why one story does better than another. And this is the exact opposite of what happens on YouTube.

I started a YT channel a year ago and I am close to 1,500 subs there, but the most important aspect of running a YT channel is the ability to look at the YT analytics page. And MAN — do they give you every metric you could ever want.

Including, the most helpful data — when someone clicks off your video.

Suggestion for Medium

So here’s my suggestion. Since they are tracking how much people read on your story — couldn’t they tell us when someone “stopped” reading our stories??

I mean, that would help me as a writer understand where the holes in my writing might be. Where I might get a little too boring, or where I lose the “compelling” nature of the story.

Real Life vs. Medium Life

The problem I have with writing on Medium is that I have no editor. I’m the writer, creator…



Professor Schwartz

Helping people overcome obstacles in life, so they can build their wealth and empire | Performance Coach | Author | Speaker